Looking for something engaging, a bit different and exciting to help your event go with a bang (literally!)? Well look no further than Newcastle’s Foote.
Corporate/Event Hire
We can be hired for all sorts of events from small events such as village fetes or community days where 10-30 of us will turn up to large scale, weekend long events where we’ll bring up to 900 of our mates along with us. We’ve plenty of previous experience and a great portfolio of references. We’ve put on events of all sizes and nature in the past and would love to come along to yours.
Check out what we can provide below.
Smaller events
- An authentic 17th Century camp accurately displaying life as both soldiers and civilians during the time of the english civil wars. Size dependant on event space and layout.
- 10-30 people all willing to talk to those at the event, telling them about our camp, weapons and kit.
- Drill Displays showing how our weapons would have been used.
- Kids Drill using a range of miniature versions of our weapons. We can put on an interactive drill showing children from the event what they’d have to do in the army.
Larger Events
- Events with an attendance of up to 1000 re-enactors over a weekend.
- A large, authentic 17th Century camp accurately displaying life as both soldiers and civilians during the time of the english civil wars. Size dependant on event space and layout.
- Upwards of 50 people (often more) within the camp willing to talk to those at the event.
- Drill Displays showing how our weapons would have been used.
- A full battle up to 1.5 hours long with pike, shotte, drums and colours guaranteed. Cavalry and Artillery may be available depending on the exact nature of the event.
- A range of cameos and performances within the Living History camp to provide entertainment throughout the day.
Obviously, every event is different and we will work with you to provide an event tailored to your requirements and suitable for the space provided.
School Visits
We can also provide an engaging and exciting educational visit for your school. If you are a teacher, governor or parent please consider inviting us to come and do a display for you. A small number of our regiment will come to your school in full kit with a range of equipment to demonstrate the weaponry and wider life of those living in the 17th Century.
We can also provide miniature versions of weapons to allow the children to take part in their own drill and see what it really feels like to be a soldier.
We are able to tailor our talks to a more military or social history programme dependant on your requirements and can talk about a range of subjects of the time such as weapons, politics, social structure, food and costume.
At the moment, our school visits are mainly in the Yorkshire area due to the location of the regiment’s members. We do have members in other areas of the country though so please get in contact to discuss our availability.
As members of a wider re-enactment society with a dedicated Education Team, if we aren’t able to provide a talk ourselves, we’ll put you in touch with the Education Team who will be able to help you out.
Great, so when can we hire you?!
If you think that we would be great at your local event or would like us to come in to your school, please email our Commanding Officer Katrina Cooper on co@newcastlesfoote.co.uk to get started.