A couple of weeks ago we went up into the lofts and to the backs of garages to dig out the re-enactment gear for the start of another season and headed to Cheshire. The annual Holly Holy Day celebrations take place in the town of Nantwich every year, commemorating the Battle of Nantwich, 26th January 1644 and the regiment went along in force to join in. It’s not our usual time for re-enacting but it’s a nice break in the winter quarters and we decided it was worth braving the colder climate!
A few of us arrived early on the Friday night and headed to the Black Lion for a couple of drinks and a catch up. It was a quiet evening but nice to be able to see people and find out how Christmas and New Year etc had been treating them. We all turned in fairly early and headed back to our accommodation to ensure plenty of energy for the main day.
After a hearty breakfast for those of us already there, we got kitted up and headed into town to meet the rest of the regiment who were heading to Nantwich to join us. After meeting up with some more of the regiment, a group of us headed up to the local high school which becomes the base for the society for the weekend and registered before heading back to the pub to meet more of those turning up for the day for a couple of pints and some food.
Musketeers had to march from the school grounds if they wanted to carry powder so as the time to set off approached the Musket block and drummers headed to the school ready for marching off. It wasn’t as cold as usual this year so the streets were packed with people as we marched down the road into town. It was a fantastic atmosphere and a really warm welcome from the locals who look forward to this event every year. The Pike Block joined us as we marched past the pub and the two armies headed into the Town Square.
In the square there was a wreath laying, short memorial service and an inspection by the Mayor. Every year at Nantwich regiments of the society can enter into a competition called The Rosebowl and the inspection by the Mayor is part of that, although he comes round all of the regiments and not just those taking part in the competition.
After the inspection the two armies marched to the battlefield and got stuck into the battle on Mill Island park. By all accounts the battle was good fun and a great scrap to start the season. The Newcastle’s Blog Fairy doesn’t know first hand though, she may have been a bit enthusiastic in the parade and split her drum skin. She may then have decided to ditch the battle in favour of Afternoon Tea with her Mum… Maybe… Not sorry.
Anyway, from all reports it was a good fight to clear the winter cobwebs and both blocks were pleased with how it went whilst highlighting what can be done to improve in the upcoming season. At the end of the battle the winners of The Rosebowl competition were announced. Awarded to the participating regiment judged to have the best Authenticity of kit, who fight well on the field and with a good regimental culture, this year it was given to the Kings Guard Regiment. The worthy winners were delighted and spent the evening celebrating in memory of their drummer Stacie who passed away from cancer only a few days beforehand. It was lovely to see them together as a regiment with an opportunity to remember Stacie and celebrate both their achievement and Stacie in such a positive way.
After the battle everyone headed back to their accommodation to shower the mud off and put on their finest clothes for an evening of celebration. We were all headed to a pub on the edge of town, The Globe, for a lovely meal for our Commanding Officer’s 60th Birthday. Organised in secret by the lovely Tig, we enjoyed good food and a great atmosphere as we took over the majority of the pub! The meal was great and Dave enjoyed it even if he did turn up late thanks to a meeting that overran!
Later in the evening a few of the regiment headed into town to join friends from other regiments and continued to enjoy a great, but as always slightly surreal, night out in Nantwich! As per usual, Nantwich was a great event despite being in the middle of winter and we all had a great time together.
It’s not long now until we head back to the Regimental Homeland of Sheffield for our annual Feaste and before we know it the season will be starting properly, camping and all!
In the mean time we will be posting various things across our blog, Facebook Page, Twitter Account and Instagram Account so keep a look out!
As always, if you want to come and join in for a weekend, head to our Joining Us page for all the information.
Images courtesy of Nick Cooper, Roma Webb, Rusty Aldwinckle, Steve Liddle & Nantwich Events Photography.